Ein weiterer wundervoll entspannter Sonntag.
Another laid-back Sunday.
Another laid-back Sunday.
Mein Terry Pratchett Roman Gevatter Tod, mein Blythe Bildband mit detailverliebten Designer Outfits & mein Outfit: Äffchen-Pyjama-Hose von Primark & Donuts-T-Shirt aus der Herrenabteilung von Uniqlo.
My latest Terry Pratchett novel Mort, my new Blythe illustrated book with many dolls in detail loving designer outfits - & my outfit: monkey pyjamas by Primark & Donut T-Shirt by Uniqlo.
My latest Terry Pratchett novel Mort, my new Blythe illustrated book with many dolls in detail loving designer outfits - & my outfit: monkey pyjamas by Primark & Donut T-Shirt by Uniqlo.
Ich liebe Blythes... die sind soo süß.